Editor's review
A revolution in music listening. iKlax Creator Standard allows to publish your music in multi-track and therefore offer many arrangement versions, for every instrument, compressed or not. It is possible to add modules.
Features: This provides new way to create music and listen to it. iKlax Creator Standard is a post production software. After normal recording and the sequencing have been done; you can use this post production application so that the process does not change much. The iKLAX is a multi-track format. That offers many alternative arrangements possible with your music. The flexibility is that you can do this with every instrument track. The stem tracks can be imported from several formats such as MP3, OGG VORBIS, WAVE, AIFF, CAF, AU etc. They need not be decompressed first. You can then create several arrangements versions. Once the constraints are also defined, you can create mix configurations that are called iKmix. The final iKLAX file can be then exported in a compressed or uncompressed form.
With this kind of arrangement the listener also can have access to different versions of the track as he can browse the architecture and access a version he likes or even do a mix of his own. A iKLAX player is available that plays these iKLAX versions. The standard version can be upgraded with two available modules. Mixing rules and multi-format export modules are the two available for add-on. Mixing rules lets you set up the constraints of the kind of mixes that should not be done. The multi format export module lets the iKLAX tracks to be exported in other formats such as MP3, OGG, WAV etc. The format allows various actions on musical data, for instance on mixing and volumes arrangements without altering the traditional recording methods. The user is no longer passive during playback; he can become actor as well by remixing, as far as the limits the artist has set.
Overall: A nice new way of creating musical track that can actually handle some amount of creativity and participation of the listener too.
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